


Welcome to my webpage. I live in the Netherlands, where I am a PhD candidate at the VU University Amsterdam. My research project concerns the Namibian war for liberation in Zambezi Region, formerly the Eastern Caprivi.

My research has two parts. The first is my field work in the Zambezi Region and in South Africa. I conduct qualitative interviews with those who were involved in the conflict, whether they were part of the resistance, or part of the South African forces or administration. They include SWAPO and former PLAN members, as well as former members of the South African Defence Force, South African Police and employees of the SA Department of Bantu Administration and Development. The second part is archival research. I have visited archives and libraries in Windhoek, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Livingstone, Basel and Leiden.

Much of the information I have gathered is quite unknown to residents of the Zambezi Region. In order to share this information I set up a Facebook page in August 2018, of which this website is an extension.

Conflict Studies is my academic field, and teaching is my other profession. I lecture at Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands) and at Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands).

I hope you find my blogs interesting and informative. Please feel more than welcome to contact me if you would like to comment, contribute or correct!